
Monday, January 10, 2011


It's snowing!

Great day to curl up & read a book...
(or fall asleep)

Happy Winter!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quilt + Christmas + Remodel

I have a few pics that don't have anything to do with anything, but I feel the need to blog about 'em! 
So here we go.

My next quilt.... in the making! It's an adorable pattern & I love it. Blue & Brown. The pattern is from Thimble Blossoms. By the way, if you're interested in learning how to sew you have the opportunity to learn the same way I did. Mrs Gateley called lastnight and told me they have started a new sewing class at St Ann's on Tuesdays from 10-11. Let me know if you want more info. You might think it's crazy, but those lil old ladies are hilarious and so fun! And they will love you.

Santa came and visited Scout & Hagen!
Scout finding her stocking:

Mom & Dad trying to figure out how to use
their new iPad. Love them.

Chad surprised me with a Wii! I am pretty excited about it. Here are a few pics of Chad trying it out...
I just love him!
 Giving his opponent the right hook!

Sweet Molly! Cheesing for the camera.
She's doing so great and growing! We are going
to halter break her this week...ahh!

And finally... the pics of the home remodel.

Chad & my dad have been working for quite a while building us some new cabinets. They've made new cabinets for every place there's a cabinet in this house: kitchen, laundry room, hallway linen, bathroom vanities and even added a few to the kitchen & bathrooms! I am sooo excited! I'm amazed by my dad's talent in his ability to build cabinets and make great use of space (which we NEED!). Chad has learned a lot from him and they have both worked really hard.

The demolition

Messy kitchen

 And where are all the things that were in the cabinets, you say?

(This is only 1/3 of it... the rest is piled in the spare bedroom)
 This part is stressful to me, but it will be well worth it!
From this pic it looks like we could be on an episode of Hoarders!

Scout thinks it's exhausting...

Working until late in the night to install the new cabinets!

 Looks awesome! And cabinets go all the way to the top now, so
lots more space! I also like how they thought to place
the cabinets at different depths.

Probably one of the most exciting parts, a pantry
beside the fridge! Ahh!! I can't wait!
To be continued....

Saturday, January 1, 2011


New Years Resolutions:
In black & white

1. Become a better listener
Self explanatory. Stop thinking about what I need to say next. Listen, do not multi task.

2. Read a book a month
Chad got me a Kindle for Christmas!!! I'm so excited about it. I want to read a new book every month. All kinds of books. Fiction & nonfiction. Suggestions are welcome.

3. Read through the entire Bible this year

This year I wanted to make resolutions that would do more than just affect my waistline.

In 2009 I read the Bible through in chronological order. I have never learned more in my life and gained a much clearer picture of the story of Jesus, by reading the loads of history that came before him. I won't lie-reading through Leviticus wasn't my favorite. But there is something to gain from every single page. I have heard my friends say several times that they"can't get into" the Old Testament. Or that they don't read because the Bible just doesn't make sense to them. Try reading it through in chronological order. There are several ways to do that. The one I read in 2009 was called The Daily Bible. Looks like this, if you're interested:

YouVersion.com also has several reading plans to help you read through the Bible in a year. They have the Bible app for smart phones so you can read anywhere. But even if you don't have a smart phone, they have a great website.

I'm pretty passionate about this and really hope others decide to read it through this year as well. Let me know if you decide to do it so I can pray for you and check in on your status!

"I've never seen someone read the Bible and not grow,
& I've never seen someone not read the Bible and grow."

Happy New Year!
May 2011 hold many blessings for you
and may you not let them pass you by!

Forget the former things.
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Isaiah 43:18-19